南ゆうこ yuko minami


南 ゆうこYuko Minami

主な朗読会は「夏至の朗読会」そば、けいた(三重)「おなかのなかからクラシック‐マタニティのための朗読‐」など。主な展示は「えことばもじ展」SENSART-Gallery(三重)、「はじまりの詩」cafe millet(京都)など。

Storyteller / Writer
Born in 1974, in Hyogo, Japan. Her experiences of travelling alone throughout parts Asia, Europe, Middle East, South America and beyond throughout her 20’s are the source of her work. She says “I want to tell the joy of sharing rich sounds through reading and storytelling in more open platforms while exploring deep down about ‘touching at where people layer through voices’ ”.
She’s had reading events such as “Summer Solstice Reading” at Soba, Keita (Mie), “In Utero Classical Music – Reading for Maternity” and exhibitions “picture-word-letter” at the Sensert-Gallery (Mie), “Poetry for New Beginnings” at Cafe Millet (Kyoto), and more.

南ゆうこ プロフィール写真
photo Shinko Tsujimoto
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    Mie, Japan